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This clear text provides a broad introduction to transportation geography. With an emphasis on the social and political aspects of transport, Julie Cidell takes a multi-scalar approach across multiple modes and places. She covers waterborne transport, starting with logistics systems; aviation and air travel; railroads; roads (including bicycles and pedestrians as well as cars); and public transit. Each mode covers global systems of transportation, how national identities or landscapes are shaped by transport, the impact of regional governance, the local scale and how it integrates with each of these systems, and how individuals and bodies are part of these systems as well. Throughout, Cidell considers the concepts of equity and sustainability in terms of past, present, and possible future transportation systems. She provides historical and current perspectives to help us think about our present situation and how we might work toward more sustainable transport futures.
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Additional ISBNs
An Introduction to Transportation Geography: Transport, Mobility, and Place is written by Julie Cidell and published by Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for An Introduction to Transportation Geography are 9781538129401, 153812940X and the print ISBNs are 9781538129395, 1538129396. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781538129388.
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